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There are so many wonderful causes and organizations that we are approached to support with sponsorships or donations. Because we simply can not support them all, we have adopted the following policy to keep our giving fair and to impact the most people:
We donate raffle baskets on a first-come, first-serve basis to local events that benefit the community at large, like the Evans City PumpkinFest, Evans City Lions Club, Evans City Public Library, Cranberry Township Public Library, Cranberry Township and Evans City Volunteer Fire Companies. VOICe, Pennies from Heaven, Seneca Valley PTOs and many more.
We do not sponsor/donate to any local/school sports or clubs. We do not donate to any senior projects. We do not donate to any events fundraising for one particular person.
If you'd like your organization or event to be considered for a donation, please drop off information at either location or submit a request via our contact form.
Please feel free to post fliers about your events/causes on the community boards at all our locations.
We LOVE being a part of your communities and will do our best to support them in any way we can! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
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